Horse Adoption
Baby C
Baby C is a Appaloosa/Pony mix who came to us the week before he was set to go to auction. He is 2 years old, foaled 4/25/12. He is gentle and a very easy keeper. He is small but stocky. Baby C would make a great project/ 4H pony. Baby C will be gelded before he leaves the ranch. 60 days free board and training will be provided. Adoption fee $500.
Flash is a 3 year old Arabian colt, foaled 3/20/2011, who came to us with his dam, skinny and scared. He has a great trot and would make a great Hunter prospect. Flash learns very fast. Flash will be gelded before he leaves the ranch. Arabian Registry papers available. 60 days free board and training will be provided. Adoption fee $500.
Baby is a registered Paint Mare, foaled 4/13/2005. Baby has been ridden on trails, but not for years. She is a very easy keeper. Slight club foot in front, but does not effect her. Gets along with all horses. Loves attention. Baby needs her own person. 30 days free board and training will be provided. Adoption Fee $750.
DSA Red Hot Destiny
DSA Red Hot Destiny is an Arabian Gelding with many years of professional training. Foaled 2/5/2001. Has not been ridden in a couple years and will need a refresh. Would do great in Country English Pleasure classes. Great youth prospect. Very gentle, good in a heard setting. Easy keeper. Very nice gelding. Red Hot will come with 30 days free board and training. Adoption Fee $2500.
Ameerica “Evy“
Ameerica "Evy" foaled 7/5/2003. Evy is by Jake Jamaal JCA. She has professional training by Ali Brady. Will need a refresh as she has not been ridden in years. She was shown halter and is a great mare. She is smart and learns very fast. High strung, not for a beginner. Very Beautiful. Will be noticed in the show ring. Evy will come with 30 days free board and training. Adoption fee $1500.